July 10, 2022
Session #15 of our Sunday night study on the Spiritual Disciplines.
July 10, 2022
Session #15 of our Sunday night study on the Spiritual Disciplines.
December 8, 2021
“We need to fight to guard this deposit. We need to fight to spread the truth of the gospel in the world. We need to fight to protect the truth of the gospel in the church. We need to fight to manifest the fruit of the gospel in our lives.”
December 1, 2021
“Godliness in us is God’s goal for us in Christ Jesus through the gospel.”
November 17, 2021
“Accountability and the fear of the Lord is a tool that God purposes to help shape us more into the image of Jesus Christ! This is why God tells us to confess. This is why God tells us to exercise church discipline. He wants us to treat sin seriously. How serious is it to God? He sent His Son to die to rid us of it!”
November 3, 2021
“The church is a family and should act like a family.”
October 27, 2021
“This is the secret to evangelism. It isn’t a bigger building or fancy events. It’s a church that prioritizes right teaching and practice. The Scriptures give a promise here: If you do so, hearers will be saved. Therefore, if your pastor teaches something or you see him living a certain way or speaking a certain way, don’t just write it off. Strongly consider his way of life and his teaching.”
October 20, 2021
“As we believe upon Jesus, we set our hope on Him. And as we set our hope on Him, we desire Him. And as we desire Him, we discipline ourselves to be like Him. And as we discipline ourselves to be like Him, our toil and our striving, fueled by and focused upon the perfect, true Word of God, produces the coveted fruit of godliness, which aids us as we live for Christ, both now and forever.”
October 13, 2021
“It is the freedom granted to us through Christ when we have faith that enables us to truly live for God’s glory instead of living for a lie. And in the same way, if we are not pursuing God in faith through His Word and prayer, we will not be equipped with the truth we need to pursue true holiness. The things we enjoy will NOT be made holy, because we are not pursuing them and enjoying them in light of our faith.”
October 6, 2021
“If we don’t structure ourselves according to God’s design out of fear and respect for God, we will hurt our ability to support the truth of God and the effectiveness of our confession of Christ.”
September 29, 2021
“The deacons are the ordained servants of the church. They take care of important physical needs so that the pastors can oversee the church through prayer and a proper handling of the Word.”
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